all postcodes in SY13 / MALPAS

find any address or company within the SY13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY13 2AA 5 1 52.956219 -2.67342
SY13 2AB 3 0 52.953282 -2.670634
SY13 2AD 5 0 52.947504 -2.664474
SY13 2AE 5 1 52.942218 -2.662353
SY13 2AF 15 2 52.94039 -2.660243
SY13 2AG 2 0 52.935905 -2.659623
SY13 2AH 3 0 52.907535 -2.645276
SY13 2AJ 1 0 52.902995 -2.637106
SY13 2AL 1 0 52.901044 -2.630328
SY13 2AN 19 16 52.905152 -2.629731
SY13 2AP 13 0 52.896645 -2.62237
SY13 2AR 6 0 52.897565 -2.625357
SY13 2AS 25 0 52.89087 -2.612209
SY13 2AZ 5 0 52.889944 -2.607605
SY13 2AT 13 0 52.891222 -2.610833
SY13 2AU 3 0 52.886926 -2.613535
SY13 2AW 15 0 52.902398 -2.622453
SY13 2AX 3 0 52.891119 -2.609791
SY13 2AY 3 0 52.890012 -2.608349
SY13 2BA 6 0 52.884372 -2.594761